Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Farewell 'OGT'

Hey guys,

So, um, I hope you won't hate me for this, but I've decided to stop 'One Good Thing'.

It's been super hard to fit in updates around my schedule, and also I realised I would much rather be making silly comics about daily life than be restricted to the whole 'hey this one thing was good today' remit.

That isn't to say the whole 'hey this one thing was good today' remit hasn't been super helpful to me! It has been amazing, and, I think, a huge contributer to my recovering from/coping with depression and coming off antidepressants. So, in a way, this blog has, in itself, been ONE (VERY) GOOD THING. I've had some lovely emails/tweets/comments at conventions from people saying the comics on here have helped them in some way and that makes me so so happy.

It's just, now that I'm feeling a whole lot better, I'm having to force myself to do it - it isn't cathartic anymore. And when I force it, it kinda feels preachy, and false. I don't want it to end up preachy and false. You guys deserve more than that.

But don't worry - I'm doing loads of comics stuff that you can keep up with, including Flimsy, Doctor Who, Vicky Park, The Rabbit, and also some new diary comics soon - watch my main website for news of those OK?:

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My shop

Ask Flimsy

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Please follow/like or whatever and get in touch if you have any questions.

Thanks so much for supporting this blog. I love you all.
R xxxxx

<If you're reading this and you're suffering from mental health issues such as depression or anxiety - first off I'd advise you to go see your GP and be honest with them about how you're feeling, and secondly to try to draw/write/sing/anything creative about how you're feeling. It helped me a lot. When I first started this blog I got a few people asking if they could use the idea for themselves and I AM TOTALLY FINE WITH THAT PLS DO IT NOW!>