Monday, 10 June 2013


Hi Lovely People,

Just so you know, I'll be taking some time off from this diary comic so I can catch up with other projects.
I hope to bring it back in a couple of months though ^_^

Reminder: you can get beautifully printed paper copies of the January and March entries.
Or just look at everything in my shop here.

I'll be putting together a May edition very soon - I'll announce on here when it's ready to buy :)

If you miss me you can:

- check out my main website with news of other stuff I'm doing
- ask my character Flimsy a question on her Q&A website
- follow me on Twitter
- like me on that there Facebook

I'll also be one of the 'Aces' featured in David Lloyd (of V for Vendetta fame)'s project Aces Weekly! My 21 page comic will be going into Volume 7 - so watch out for it!

Also, it's worth mentioning - I've had a few requests as to whether people can 'steal' this format to use for themselves, in the classroom, or for group sessions on positive thinking. The answer (of course) is OF COURSE! I am certainly not the first to use this format for a diary comic - and the idea of finding at least one positive thing each day should be adopted by as many as possible. I say this only because I've had a few emails and have not had a chance to respond yet - so if you're one of those and are reading this then please - go spread the love!

Obviously though - if you want to use any of my actual artwork then please do ask me :)
You can email me at rachael(at)rachaelsmith(dot)org if you need to.

More news soon,
Lots of love,
Rachael xxx

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